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Materials for Painting Spring Term 2025
Weekly Classes

Please bring along any existing materials, watercolour sets, that you have and any of the materials on the list below that you already have.


  • One good quality watercolour brush: a pointed round number 6 or 8 and a fine brush such as a 3 or 4 sable or synthetic.

  • One large synthetic wash brush eg. a large oval wash brush or a hake or a squirrel mop brush.  It is better to have one or two good quality brushes than lots of poor quality brushes where the hairs fall out and they do not retain a sharp point.


  • Watercolour paper: weight minimum 140lb/300gsm Cold pressed, NOT or rough. Preferably 100% cotton, as it is generally robust, distributes the watercolour evenly in large washes and its less likely to tear if you use masking fluid. I. tend to use any of these: Arches, Baohong and Saunders Waterford. If you have loose sheets of paper please bring a board so you can tape it down with masking tape.

  • A hard board, wider and taller than your paper allow for taping paper to the board.

Watercolour paints

  • Winsor & Newton Artist quality Watercolour paint or similar such as Daniel Smith, Sennelier or Schmincke. Alternatively Winsor & Newton Cotman Student Watercolour 8ml tubes are reasonably priced. No need to buy large sets of 24 or 48 pans as you will have more colours than you need. Suggested colours: ( if you don’t have these just bring along any you already have).

Warm colours 

  • Cadmium Yellow Pale or Yellow Ochre

  • Lemon Yellow 

  • Vermilion

  • Winsor Red or Cadmium Red Scarlett

  • Permanent Rose and Magenta

  • Winsor Violet

  • Burnt Sienna or Sepia or Burnt Umber

Cool colours 

  • Ultramarine Blue or Winsor Blue

  • Cobalt Blue 

  • Winsor green or Viridian

  • Titanium White or a pot of Dr Ph Martin’s Bleed Proof White or a Fine nib ‘Posca’ white pen. 

  • A small tube of white Gouache paint

Water containers

  • 2 containers for water eg old jam Jars or plastic tubs.

White mixing palette

A large ceramic palette or an old white ceramic plate or a white plastic palette with plenty of room for mixing colours.

Masking Fluid

  • Liquid masking fluid in any colour

  • An old brush for applying masking fluid or you can use masking fluid pens or a ruling pen.

  • Do not use any watercolour brushes for applying masking fluid. Masking fluid is glue so use the inexpensive masking fluid brushes for applying the fluid.

Drawing materials

  • 2B and 6B pencil and a putty rubber eraser. 

  • Black and White Charcoal Pencils

  • Ruler

Paper towel or an old flannel

Very useful for taking excess water of the brush and moping up the occasional spill.

Scrap paper

Scrap watercolour paper is really useful for testing your colour mixes, use the backs of paintings or cheap practice paper.

Where to buy materials 

Tindalls -(King Street, Cambridge)  give friendly helpful advice about materials, if you are a student of mine you receive a 10% discount with my discount card.

Buying online, or

Materials list: List
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